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Wherever you reside, make it a place others will call a vacation. People make the place believe it or not..

I was looking for new shows and happened upon Hannibal,  I can see how this stuff desensitizes young men and even more mature men,   there's an appreciation for handguns that even I've been a guilty of expressing, but they're very distancing weapons.   In reality, I assume it makes crimes seem less involved, as opposed to using a machete up close and personal for example.   Automatic weapons and large caliber belong on a field of battle, or with only the most experienced of law enforcement, handguns are for those who otherwise would be in grave danger and are defenseless amongst threats.  Fearful people unfortunately need to remain around other fearful people, whichever shade they appear in direct sunlight or artificial lighting.  I have no doubt that fear is misconstrued into bravery among a certain populous that only operates through fear.   Considering Lupe's writing in response to the manifesto,  if there were less of variations to fear/degrade in general they would eventually find ways to hate themselves.   Because they have the strongest love for hatred itself, there's no chance for what civil society considers the good life.  I do remember hearing somewhere of negative masculinity being a major contributor to his actions as well,  reminding me of one of bell hooks books explaining the issues of societal norms.  The need to show defiance to such extremes as killing 6 yr old kids or an 87 yr old woman continues to go unrealized in its severity in national media.  I hope citizens stop exhibiting nievity to such extreme occurrences so the need to visualize the murders doesn't become required, don't disrespect the victims.  There are various levels of fear and hate they may say and believe,  but the truth is we often increase our step in the directions we walk, rather it's right or wrong. So as the title implies,  make your home right; every location on earth should be the very best "humanly" possible.  

Some things we want don't have to be taken,  it's more a matter of choice than abilities to carryout the improvement we all need.